Adam and Eve Retold… Ramblings of a Lunatic or Literary Genius? You Decide…?
01 Sep

Adam and Eve Retold… Ramblings of a Lunatic or Literary Genius? You Decide…? .

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Eve wanders


where do black people come from After Eden here lies

Adam and Eve Retold over and over throughout the centuries has created many altered interpretations.  But let’s clear one thing up first: Man has effed up since the beginning. And I mean this with a capital F. In most English versions it is said that the woman was created from Adam’s (mankind’s) rib.

Come on, this is very questionable. Many racial-conscious individuals claim that Adam’s skin color was of the darker complexion. So it’s hard to see a dark brother giving up a rib — to anyone for any reason — especially since they taste so good, particularly BBQ — as if there is any other way to eat a rack.

Muslims are excluded from this remark, unless your a backslider. Who knows? Allah perhaps? I guess the question is up for grabs … unless you agree with the Hebrew interpretation of the word for rib in the figurative sense, meaning to build a structure; house, or family.

Personally, I don’t force interpretations: I rather let the talebearer decide. When it comes to Adam and Eve — or perhaps Adam and Steve as the gays tell it, which may raise unnerving questions to those of us who know a thing or two about sexual reproduction –, the first story of mankind has spawned many new ways of thinking through the centuries.

New interpretations — bad or good — are now being sold to millions of Americans. This may sometimes not be a good thing, yet I And God says to Adamsuppose it does keep one’s mind occupied. Therefore, after viewing the video I will look at this old tale once again, and focus on a different aspect of the story, as should you.

Nevertheless, the question for me isn’t whether or not Adam and Eve  sinned, but rather, what type of time was Adam on? This question popped up in my mind as I watched this hilarious video a few times. It made me think about the writing of my own book and the making of my own upcoming videos, as I approach things from a skewed mind’s eye. I believe they will have everyone scratching their heads saying WTF!

That is if I’m not back in jail!  thanks to an old snake of my own that I once knew. I’m trying to walk the straight and narrow now, so I won’t go there.

Nevertheless, this video below is a funny example how a well-familiar story, said to have been first written some four thousand years ago, can be refreshed over and over a million times without a dull moment.

The low-hanging fruit

Perhaps the fruit wan’t an apple

After seeing the video I chose to write this blog post poking at subjects that hit close to home for most of us. The subject of this blog,  — like my book — is told from a different set of eyes: From henceforth came Cain, which I present in my book from a different perspective, shown to you in a new light.

If you know my personal story, a lot of things have changed in my absence–  including myself. Let the truth be told, the world has become an ugly place in many aspects, and yet some things are more beautiful than ever once you look at situations anew.

However, since my return home nearly two years ago, I have come to find that most people don’t want the truth these days. They live within the illusions of their desires. Many want lots of flash, dirty money, sensationalism, and the partays (This is what street folk do, they partay, not party). It’s a life filled with OJ and Tanqueray and clubs.

So here’s what I call fakism: it’s when someone lives their life as a lie. They lie to themselves and anyone around them, and worse, they believe it to be truth. You sit around and convince yourself that you are satisfied with your life, yet you don’t have a damn thing to show for it. I’m pretty sure many can relate.

For example, There are many women out there who are walking around styling (wearing) your girlfriend’s dress thinking your hot. On the contrary however, here’s an enlightening moment. Wake up bitches! (I’m not referring to all women in general, just the foolish ones in particular — so please don’t be offended)! Those raindrops falling must be diamonds my friend, but the truth is those cubic zircons are hard to spend.

Therefore the next time you’re putting on your friend’s dress admiring yourself in an elongated mirror thinking to yourself, Damn! I look good, remember that deep inside — whether you admit it to yourself or not —  you know damn well that you can’t afford that dress. And more, all those stomach rolls you’re packing do not look good inside that dress no how. But, you continue to perpetrate the illusion even though just last night you received a phone call from your local bakery asking for those same rolls back. Yes, I’m speaking about the rolls of your midsection … and possibly the ones on your ass as well! Stop fronting and go on a diet!

Anyway, you eventually finish tidying up after convincing yourself that you are the sh*t, while you almost pass out from lack of oxygen trying to hold your stomach in. And then finally you make your appearance at your local hot-spot, where your friends are saying, “Giirrll, look at you in that dress! You are too much,” and you perk right up thinking, Yeah, I do look good. Eat dirt bitches!

However, while you’re reveling in your own lie of illusion, in all reality they’re lie is that that they’re really thinking,  She may be styling her girl’s cool dress, but she  ain’t hot.  And the guys standing around are thinking looking at you are saying among themselves, Her name might be Vivica but she ain’t no fox.”

Yo, be be whatever, whoever you choose to be. But do it from the heart, be expansive, reach out, and most of all be real — with yourself even if others are not. And don’t let anyone kill your dreams.

Just keep in mind everyone’s’ story is not always the same.

I’ll leave you with this video for a laugh.