A Nappy Negroe is a Happy Negroe .
Good evening to all my Negroes and Niggerettes. No, you’re not dreaming, but all your nightmares have come true in this mockumentary entitled, C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America. It’s about how America could have been for African Americans if the Confederates had won the civil war.
Although it may be appalling to some, it will make you rethink why we are blessed to have had the Republicans fighting hard on our behalf such as Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner (Notice the word Massa in Massachusetts within because this cat mastered the game of not knowing when to quit.) He was almost killed on the senate floor in 1856, by South Carolina Congressman, Preston Brooks while fighting for your future.
Yes again as Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks cartoon series would say, “The Great White Man has saved you niggers asses again.” Of course, albeit with his faithful partner Thaddeus Stevens of the state of Pennsylvania. Shocking and as strange as these facts may appear to be, with Black History Month just around the corner don’t you think it’s about time that we educate ourselves and accept the fact that history encompasses every race, creed, and color?
Therefore be proud that we all played our part in the making of a great nation and learn the facts so that ignorance doesn’t destroy the fabric of our civilization.
For more info click here
To see full length mockumentary on YouTube click here: Enjoy!